paragon casino in marksville

Paragon Casino In Marksville – A Casino With a Difference

If you like gambling, then Paragon Casino in Marksville, Louisiana is the place for you. You will find hundreds of games including poker, baccarat, blackjack, roulette, and lots more.

With its wide variety of games, Paragon Casino in Marksville has the largest variety of game machines. There are six house machines in addition to six video machines in each of the rooms. The biggest video games are in the four rooms where there are also four games per room.

Paragon Casino has a full service restaurant that serves food from around the world. It also has all the “you bet” games that have been a favorite of casino players. The bar is open for drinks. At night there are televisions and the music is the most entertaining of any casino.

In one of the largest rooms in Paragon Casino is the Poker Hall of Fame, where one can see former World Champions that made the most of this game. On the third floor is the grandstand where you can watch the race before it begins in another room. There is even a large glass ceiling so you can look right down on the races.

Paragon Casino is the home of the Super High Roller table which is the biggest in the country. The award-winning product manager, Scott Richenberg, was the first person to construct it. His company produced the product that replaced the current Triple Draw which is made of six video tables. So you have five high-roller tables and three Triple Draw tables.

Paragon Casino offers what might be called a private party experience. It is here that you can invite a group of friends and have a good time as you play the games. This is one of the main reasons that you should visit Paragon Casino in Marksville. As with any casino, the games will continue to add more excitement as the games get busier.

Paragon Casino offers the ultimate in service, with trained staff members available to answer any questions you may have or to point you in the direction of a dealer. At Paragon Casino, no matter what your problem may be, you will be able to locate a person that will be able to help you.

One of the things that Paragon Casino does best is provide a fun family atmosphere that is second to none. You and your family will love this part of the casino.